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E Gulf of witness aand Pearl River Delta in June. Fourth, the Bei- of Bengal plus the coasts nearby Tonkin high concentration in September. Third, the Bay Bengal and the coasts nearby witness a (BTH) concentration in September. but massthe jing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration high has no rainforest distribution Fourth, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration Tasisulam Protocol contribute no a high HCHO concentration population and economic activities, which (BTH) has to rainforest distribution but mass population and economic [55]. The concentration there reached itsHCHO concentration through many of the year activities, which contribute to a higher maximum in 2019 through September. year [55]. The concentration there reached its maximum in 2019 about many of the around September.Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 4055 Remote Sens. 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW15 of16 of(a)(b)(c) (d) Figure 13. Surface concentration of HCHO in Indo-Pacific area in some typical months: (a) March; (b) June; (c) Figure 13. Surface concentration of HCHO in Indo-Pacific area in some standard months: (a) March; (b) June; (c) September; September; (d) December. (unit: g/m3).(d) December. (unit: /m ).4. Discussion 4.4.1. Improvements and Innovativeness Discussion four.1. Improvements and Innovativeness It really is clear that the global surface distribution of HCHO with point and interval estiIt is clear that the worldwide successfully by utilizing HCHO with point and interval demation is capable to become obtainedsurface distribution ofneural network models like thoseestimation is capable to become To show the improvement of FM4-64 Chemical Sentinel-5P in pollutant health estimation, scribed above. obtained effectively by utilizing neural network models like these described above. To show the improvement of Sentinel-5P in pollutant health estimation, the pointRemote Sens. 2021, 13,Remote Sens. 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW16 of17 othe point estimation model was applied to each Sentinel-5P VCD information and OMI VCD destimation model was applied to each Sentinel-5P VCDAmerica, two things can befor July the co for July 2019. Zooming in around the view of information and OMI VCD information noticed from 2019. Zooming in on the view of America, two issues could be noticed from the comparison. parison. First, Sentinel-5P is far less disturbed bydisturbed by noisesatellite trail. This was was p First, Sentinel-5P is far significantly less noise along the along the satellite trail. This cisely the goal of the Sentinel-5P prior to its launch its launch [56]. The improvemen precisely the objective in the designers of designers of Sentinel-5P before[56]. The improvement signal-to-noise ratio is nicely illustrated illustrated by of signal-to-noise ratio in TROPOMIin TROPOMI is wellby Figure 14. Figure 14.(a)(b)Figure 14. (a) Typical surface distribution of HCHO over the U.S. in July 2019, derived from Sentinel-5P information; (b) Typical Figure 14. (a) Average surface distribution of HCHO over the U.S. in July 2019, derived from Sentinelsurface distribution of HCHO more than the U.S. in July 2019, derived from OMI data (unit: g/m3).5P data; (b) Typical surface distribution of HCHO more than the U.S. in July 2019, derived from OMI data (unit: /m3 ). Second, though Sentinel-5P and OMI usually give the exact same distribution treSecond, though Sentinel-5P and OMI frequently give the exact same distribution trend, slightly greater concentration levels in VCD data, as is shown in Figure 15. In shown ar Sentinel-5P shows an towards the non-linear character HCHO. This can be attributed to the slightly due definitely higher degree of from the.

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Author: Potassium channel