Jected and the lateral notches are deep, whereas in S. africana
Jected and also the lateral notches are deep, whereas in S. africana the anterior margins are not so projected beyond the anterior depression, along with the fan is barely projected medially and there are actually no lateral notches. Distribution. Identified from two areas: Thailand inside the Andaman Sea and Malaysia within the South China Sea, 55 m depth. Sternaspis costata von Marenzeller, 879, emended http:speciesid.netwikiSternaspis_costata Figures B, 8 Sternaspis costata von Marenzeller, 879:4243, Tab. six, fig. 4; 890:5, Pl. , fig. 5; Sluiter 890:080; Sternaspis scutata: Okuda 936:552, fig. five; Takahashi 938:two, Textfig. three; Imajima 96:945, Textfig. 0a ; Imajima and Hartman 964:303 (non Ranzani 87). Variety material. Japan. Neotype (CMNH ZW20), Honshu Island, Chiba, Boso Peninsula, 25V995. Additional material. Japan. 2 spec. (ANSP 05), and spec. (ANSP 062), off Honshu, 900. 8 spec. (CMNH ZW502), Kyushu, Kumamota, Amakusa, Sakitu, 22VII964. spec. (CMNH ZW54), Honshu Island, Sagami Bay, off Manazuru, 400 m. spec. (CMNH ZW55), Honshu Island, Sagami Bay, off Manazuru, 4070 m. One spec. (CMNH ZW67), Kyushu, Kumamota, Amakusa. spec. (CMNH ZW996), Honshu Island, Sagami Bay, Shimoda, 348’53″S, 387’07″E, 40 m. eight spec. (NHMW 568), Honshu Island, Nagoya Bay, 877. Sakhalin Island, Russia. five spec. (ZIRAS 4388), Aniva Bay, RV Toporok, Sta. 47, 460.8’N, 424.8’E, 48 m, 2 Sep. 947. Philippines. spec. (AM W 2762), west coast of Marinduque Island, 30’00″S, 20’00″E.Kelly Sendall Sergio I. SalazarVallejo ZooKeys 286: four (203)Description. Neotype (CMNH ZW20) with physique colour creamy white to yellowwhite, sometimes extra grey, with 1st six PubMed ID: segments lighter, becoming darker when dried out (Fig. 8A). Cuticle largely with brief filamentous papillae, somewhat longer on segments seven and eight. Rows of clustered filamentous papillae typically in two loosely arranged, lateral rows per segment, extra noticeable on posterior segments dorsal to ventrocaudal shield. Body up to 22 mm extended, 0 mm wide, about 29 segments. Prostomium little, hemispherical, slightly opalescent. Peristomium rounded, raised at mouth, with some papillae involving mouth and prostomium. Mouth densely papillate, slightly oval, positioned halfway in between prostomium and anterior edge of segment two. First 3 chaetigers with 0 bronze, slightly falcate, introvert hooks with about a further 5 smaller hooks HDAC-IN-3 biological activity ventral to bigger hooks. Hooks widely separated (broadly apposed), with subdistal dark areas. One pair of genital papillae protrude ventrally from intersegmental furrow between segments 7 and 8. Preshield area with 7 segments, with compact fascicles of fine short capillary chaetae laterally in some specimens. Ventrocaudal shield dark orange, often covered with sediment; ribs and concentric lines visible; suture extended throughout the shield (Figs B, 8B ). Anterior margins rounded; anterior depression shallow; anterior keels not exposed. Lateral margins rounded, expanded posteriorly. Fan slightly projected posteriorly, markedly notched medially.Figure eight. Sternaspis costata von Marenzeller, 879, emended, neotype (CMNH ZW20) A Full, ventral view B Ventrocaudal shield C Sakhalin Island specimens (ZIRAS 4388), ventrocaudal shields. Bars: A 2 mm B 0.5 mm C 0.9 mm D .four mm E .5 mm (Pictures D : Eijiroh Nishi).Revision of Sternaspis Otto, 82 (Polychaeta, Sternaspidae)Marginal chaetal fascicles incorporate 0 lateral ones, chaetae inside a narrow oval arrangement, and 5 posterior fascicles in an offset linear arrangement; chaetae curving to.
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