The computer unit. This kind of unitization is also seen in
The computer unit. This kind of unitization is also seen in other Valsartan/sacubitril molecular weight fields such as quantum computing known as the Qubit. The Qubit is defined to distinguish the quantum bit from the classical computing bit. Bit operations, whether logical, mathematical or informational, are well understood in the field of computer science, offering a rich knowledge base from which to analyze such systems. Since cell operations are dependent on Dbit recognition and consecutive step by step operations such as DNA copying processes (no new information is generated in DNA copying), mRNA editing, digital computation, protein synthesis and many more processes, these functions provide the justification to define algorithms and data from a computer science perspective. Therefore, we will define an algorithm as a set of rules and/or a step-wise procedure that precisely defines a finite sequence of operations [27]. We will discuss this in more detail in the algorithm section. In order to differentiate between data and algorithms PubMed ID: as it pertains to the DNA/RNA world, it is pertinent to examine languages [14], which may aid in the identification of linguistic structures as it applies to algorithms and data. This claim is supported as it relates to the computer science field of Automata Theory. Automata Theory, concerns itself with the mathematical modeling of computing functions [28] and identification of abstract languages or rules [29]. It has also been used recently in biological and biomedical systems such as autonomous DNA models, DNA sequence reconstruction and cellular level interactions [30-32]. Computing machines are modeled as mathematical abstractions, which in many ways are equivalent to real computers and programming languages [28]. These computing machines are called automata. Automata theory is also related to formal language theory. Automata can recognize a class of formal languages given any automata or machine M that operates on symbolic characters from a given alphabet to produce language “L”. This gives us a formal way to evaluate and understand machine-like operations. Automata Theory sets the precedence for applying formal language theory to modeling computing machine systems. Such computational systems are dependent upon some type of operating language, and as such, may be applicable in modeling similar biological systems. For example, automata theory has been used to model the DNA as a oneD’Onofrio et al. Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling 2012, 9:8 5 ofdimensional cellular automaton with four states defined by its four bases [31]. This machine was evaluated to determine rules that could influence its history. We argue that the linguistic analogy for machines is not purely heuristic [14], but is necessary for physical machinery to perform computational tasks. An interesting question becomes, “Does the cell solve biological problems by equivalent methods and principles as electronic computers solve problems?” Examination of the syntax, semantics and semiotic mechanics of linguistics has served as an abstract template when searching for similar structure in the DNA/RNA world. The field of DNA linguistics has focused on computational linguistics and molecular biology. Such efforts have contributed to developing a logic grammar formalism that has been used to perform language processing and recognition of DNA sequences such as E. coli promoters [33]. We posit that linguistic structure coupled with alg.
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