Evalence of Inadequate Zinc Intake and StuntingPrevalence of Inadequate Zinc Intake and Methionine enkephalin supplier StuntingFigure 2. Percentage of total zinc in national food supplies derived from (a) all food sources and (b) cereal and non-cereal sources. Castanospermine web Regional data are weighted by national population size and listed in ascending order according to the estimated prevalence of inadequate zinc intake in the region. HIGHIN, High-income; SOTRLA, Southern and Tropical Latin America; CHINAR, China; CEEAEU, Central and Eastern Europe; CALACA, Central and Andean Latin America and the Caribbean; CANAME, Central Asia, North Africa and the Middle East; ESEASP, East and South-East Asia and the Pacific; SUSAAF, Sub-Saharan Africa; SOASIA, South Asia. Data are for the 2005 time frame (2003?007). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0050568.g(IML) [12], the Nutrition Data System for Research Version 2010 (NDSR, Nutrition Coordinating Center, University of Minnesota) [13], the USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 23 (USDA SR23) [14], the INFOODS Regional Nutrient Database for West Africa [15], Food Phytates, edited by Reddy et al [16], and current scientific literature. Subsequently, we estimatedthe absorbable zinc content of the daily food SC1 supply on a per country basis, using the Miller Equation, which is a saturation response model of zinc absorption as a function of dietary zinc and phytate [17,18]. This method allowed us to predict the fractional absorption of zinc and the absorbable zinc content of the daily food supply for each country. Next, we calculated the theoreticalPrevalence of Inadequate Zinc Intake and StuntingFigure 3. Relationship between availability of (a) energy (kcal/capita/d) and (b) total zinc (mg/capita/d) in the national food supply and the estimated prevalence of inadequate zinc intake. N = 188. Data are 23977191 for the 2005 time frame (2003?007). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0050568.gmean daily per capita physiological requirement for zinc, based on the age and sex distribution of the national population and using recommendations developed by IZiNCG. Population data were obtained from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME, University of Washington) based on the 2010 Revision of the World Population Prospects, which is available from the Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social RE-640 Affairs of the United Nations. We then calculated the percentage of the mean physiological requirement for zinc that is available in the national food supply, by dividing the estimated absorbable zinc content of the national food supply by the calculated national physiological requirement. Finally, we estimated the prevalence of inadequate zinc intake, using a method akin to the IOM EAR cutpoint method and assuming a 25 inter-individual coefficient of variation (CV), and calculated country-specific rank order of estimated prevalence [19]. We
designated populations as being at moderate- or high-risk of zinc deficiency when the percentage of the population at risk of inadequate zinc intake due to inadequate zinc in the food supply was 15?5 and .25 respectively. To examine secular trends in the adequacy of zinc in national food supplies, and to smooth differences in inter-year variability (due
to mistakes in reporting, drought, etc.), we created estimates of the percentage of the population at risk of inadequate intake over four five-year periods encompassing years of interest: 1990 (1988?992), 1995 (1993?997), 2000 (1998?002) and 2005 (2003?007).Evalence of Inadequate Zinc Intake and StuntingPrevalence of Inadequate Zinc Intake and StuntingFigure 2. Percentage of total zinc in national food supplies derived from (a) all food sources and (b) cereal and non-cereal sources. Regional data are weighted by national population size and listed in ascending order according to the estimated prevalence of inadequate zinc intake in the region. HIGHIN, High-income; SOTRLA, Southern and Tropical Latin America; CHINAR, China; CEEAEU, Central and Eastern Europe; CALACA, Central and Andean Latin America and the Caribbean; CANAME, Central Asia, North Africa and the Middle East; ESEASP, East and South-East Asia and the Pacific; SUSAAF, Sub-Saharan Africa; SOASIA, South Asia. Data are for the 2005 time frame (2003?007). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0050568.g(IML) [12], the Nutrition Data System for Research Version 2010 (NDSR, Nutrition Coordinating Center, University of Minnesota) [13], the USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 23 (USDA SR23) [14], the INFOODS Regional Nutrient Database for West Africa [15], Food Phytates, edited by Reddy et al [16], and current scientific literature. Subsequently, we estimatedthe absorbable zinc content of the daily food supply on a per country basis, using the Miller Equation, which is a saturation response model of zinc absorption as a function of dietary zinc and phytate [17,18]. This method allowed us to predict the fractional absorption of zinc and the absorbable zinc content of the daily food supply for each country. Next, we calculated the theoreticalPrevalence of Inadequate Zinc Intake and StuntingFigure 3. Relationship between availability of (a) energy (kcal/capita/d) and (b) total zinc (mg/capita/d) in the national food supply and the estimated prevalence of inadequate zinc intake. N = 188. Data are 23977191 for the 2005 time frame (2003?007). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0050568.gmean daily per capita physiological requirement for zinc, based on the age and sex distribution of the national population and using recommendations developed by IZiNCG. Population data were obtained from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME, University of Washington) based on the 2010 Revision of the World Population Prospects, which is available from the Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations. We then calculated the percentage of the mean physiological requirement for zinc that is available in the national food supply, by dividing the estimated absorbable zinc content of the national food supply by the calculated national physiological requirement. Finally, we estimated the prevalence of inadequate zinc intake, using a method akin to the IOM EAR cutpoint method and assuming a 25 inter-individual coefficient of variation (CV), and calculated country-specific rank order of estimated prevalence [19]. We designated populations as being at moderate- or high-risk of zinc deficiency when the percentage of the population at risk of inadequate zinc intake due to inadequate zinc in the food supply was 15?5 and .25 respectively. To examine secular trends in the adequacy of zinc in national food supplies, and to smooth differences in inter-year variability (due to mistakes in reporting, drought, etc.), we created estimates of the percentage of the population at risk of inadequate intake over four five-year periods encompassing years of interest: 1990 (1988?992), 1995 (1993?997), 2000 (1998?002) and 2005 (2003?007).Evalence of Inadequate Zinc Intake and StuntingPrevalence of Inadequate Zinc Intake and StuntingFigure 2. Percentage of total zinc in national food supplies derived from (a) all food sources and (b) cereal and non-cereal sources. Regional data are weighted by national population size and listed in ascending order according to the estimated prevalence of inadequate zinc intake in the region. HIGHIN, High-income; SOTRLA, Southern and Tropical Latin America; CHINAR, China; CEEAEU, Central and Eastern Europe; CALACA, Central and Andean Latin America and the Caribbean; CANAME, Central Asia, North Africa and the Middle East; ESEASP, East and South-East Asia and the Pacific; SUSAAF, Sub-Saharan Africa; SOASIA, South Asia. Data are for the 2005 time frame (2003?007). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0050568.g(IML) [12], the Nutrition Data System for Research Version 2010 (NDSR, Nutrition Coordinating Center, University of Minnesota) [13], the USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 23 (USDA SR23) [14], the INFOODS Regional Nutrient Database for West Africa [15], Food Phytates, edited by Reddy et al [16], and current scientific literature. Subsequently, we estimatedthe absorbable zinc content of the daily food supply on a per country basis, using the Miller Equation, which is a saturation response model of zinc absorption as a function of dietary zinc and phytate [17,18]. This method allowed us to predict the fractional absorption of zinc and the absorbable zinc content of the daily food supply for each country. Next, we calculated the theoreticalPrevalence of Inadequate Zinc Intake and StuntingFigure 3. Relationship between availability of (a) energy (kcal/capita/d) and (b) total zinc (mg/capita/d) in the national food supply and the estimated prevalence of inadequate zinc intake. N = 188. Data are 23977191 for the 2005 time frame (2003?007). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0050568.gmean daily per capita physiological requirement for zinc, based on the age and sex distribution of the national population and using recommendations developed by IZiNCG. Population data were obtained from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME, University of Washington) based on the 2010 Revision of the World Population Prospects, which is available from the Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations. We then calculated the percentage of the mean physiological requirement for zinc that is available in the national food supply, by dividing the estimated absorbable zinc content of the national food supply by the calculated national physiological requirement. Finally, we estimated the prevalence of inadequate zinc intake, using a method akin to the IOM EAR cutpoint method and assuming a 25 inter-individual coefficient of variation (CV), and calculated country-specific rank order of estimated prevalence [19]. We designated populations as being at moderate- or high-risk of zinc deficiency when the percentage of the population at risk of inadequate zinc intake due to inadequate zinc in the food supply was 15?5 and .25 respectively. To examine secular trends in the adequacy of zinc in national food supplies, and to smooth differences in inter-year variability (due to mistakes in reporting, drought, etc.), we created estimates of the percentage of the population at risk of inadequate intake over four five-year periods encompassing years of interest: 1990 (1988?992), 1995 (1993?997), 2000 (1998?002) and 2005 (2003?007).Evalence of Inadequate Zinc Intake and StuntingPrevalence of Inadequate Zinc Intake and StuntingFigure 2. Percentage of total zinc in national food supplies derived from (a) all food sources and (b) cereal and non-cereal sources. Regional data are weighted by national population size and listed in ascending order according to the estimated prevalence of inadequate zinc intake in the region. HIGHIN, High-income; SOTRLA, Southern and Tropical Latin America; CHINAR, China; CEEAEU, Central and Eastern Europe; CALACA, Central and Andean Latin America and the Caribbean; CANAME, Central Asia, North Africa and the Middle East; ESEASP, East and South-East Asia and the Pacific; SUSAAF, Sub-Saharan Africa; SOASIA, South Asia. Data are for the 2005 time frame (2003?007). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0050568.g(IML) [12], the Nutrition Data System for Research Version 2010 (NDSR, Nutrition Coordinating Center, University of Minnesota) [13], the USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 23 (USDA SR23) [14], the INFOODS Regional Nutrient Database for West Africa [15], Food Phytates, edited by Reddy et al [16], and current scientific literature. Subsequently,
we estimatedthe absorbable zinc content of the daily food supply on a per country basis, using the Miller Equation, which is a saturation response model of zinc absorption as a function of dietary zinc and phytate [17,18]. This method allowed us to predict the fractional absorption of zinc and the absorbable zinc content of the daily food supply for each country. Next, we calculated the theoreticalPrevalence of Inadequate Zinc Intake and StuntingFigure 3. Relationship between availability of (a) energy (kcal/capita/d) and (b) total zinc (mg/capita/d) in the national food supply and the estimated prevalence of inadequate zinc intake. N = 188. Data are 23977191 for the 2005 time frame (2003?007). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0050568.gmean daily per capita physiological requirement for zinc, based on the age and sex distribution of the national population and using recommendations developed by IZiNCG. Population data were obtained from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME, University of Washington) based on the 2010 Revision of the World Population Prospects, which is available from the Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations. We then calculated the percentage of the mean physiological requirement for zinc that is available in the national food supply, by dividing the estimated absorbable zinc content of the national food supply by the calculated national physiological requirement. Finally, we estimated the prevalence of inadequate zinc intake, using a method akin to the IOM EAR cutpoint method and assuming a 25 inter-individual coefficient of variation (CV), and calculated country-specific rank order of estimated prevalence [19]. We designated populations as being at moderate- or high-risk of zinc deficiency when the percentage of the population at risk of inadequate zinc intake due to inadequate zinc in the food supply was 15?5 and .25 respectively. To examine secular trends in the adequacy of zinc in national food supplies, and to smooth differences in inter-year variability (due to mistakes in reporting, drought, etc.), we created estimates of the percentage of the population at risk of inadequate intake over four five-year periods encompassing years of interest: 1990 (1988?992), 1995 (1993?997), 2000 (1998?002) and 2005 (2003?007).
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