distances involved. Classical multidimensional scaling was performed using the standard function of the R program to provide a visual impression of how the various sample groups are related. Histopathologic grading of VILI The lung tissues from control, AZD 0530 nonventilated mice and mice exposed to high tidal volume ventilation for 4 h while breathing room air were removed en bloc and filled with 10% neutral buffered formalin at 30-cm H2O pressure via polyethylene tubing inserted into the trachea. The lungs were paraffin embedded, sliced at 4 mm, stained with hematoxylin and eosin, and reviewed from 10 nonoverlapping fields by a single investigator blinded to therapeutic category of the mouse. Lung injury was scored using an average score of the following items: alveolar congestion, hemorrhage, infiltration of neutrophils into airspace or the vessel wall, and thickness of the alveolar wall. A score of 0 represented normal lungs; 1, mild,,25% lung involvement; 2, moderate, 25% to 50% lung involvement; 3, severe, 50% to 75% lung involvement; and 4, very severe,.75% lung involvement. graphs with Hoechst immunofluorescent staining of frozen lung sections were from control, non-ventilated mice and mice ventilated at VT 30 ml/kg for 4 h with room air. The scattered density of the incorporated iPSCs in the lung was quantified as an 23318055 average number of Hoechst-labeled iPSCs in 10 nonoverlapping fields of lung sections. Positive blue staining in the lung epithelium and interstitium is identified by arrows. The positive staining of Hoechst in the lung sections of mice increased after mechanical ventilation at VT 30 ml/kg for 4 h compared with that of control, nonventilated mice. Data shown here are the mean 6 SD of four independent experiments. P,0.05 vs. Nonventilated control treated with PBS. Scale bars represent 20 mm. iPSCs = induced pluripotent stem cells; PBS = phosphate-buffered saline. Transmission electron microscopy The lungs were fixed in 3% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M cacodylate buffer for 1 h at 4uC. The lungs were then postfixed in 1% osmium tetroxide, dehydrated in a graded series of ethanol, and embedded in EPON-812. Thin sections were cut, stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate, and examined on a Hitachi H-7500 EM transmission electron microscope. Statistical evaluation The Western blots and NKRF mRNA were quantitated using a National Institutes of Health image analyzer, ImageJ 1.27z and presented as arbitrary units. Values were expressed as the mean 6 SD for at least five experiments. The data of Evans blue dye assay, lung wetto-dry weight ratio, MIP-2, MPO, immunohistochemical assay, and MDA were conducted by using Statview 5.0. 20363853 All results of Western blots and NKRF mRNA were normalized to control, nonventilated mice with room air. ANOVA was used to assess the statistical significance of the differences, followed by multiple comparisons with a Scheffe’s test, and a P value,0.05 was considered statistically significant. Regression coefficients were calculated using the simple regression test in Statview. Analysis of lung water, cell counts, EBD analysis, MPO assay, and measurements of MIP-2 were performed as previously described. ~~ ~~ Arrest of miRNA maturation by targeted deletion of Dicer is known to perturb cardiac development and cause pathological consequences. Significance of such observations is heightened by the report that Dicer deficiency is associated with specific forms of cardiomyopathy and heart failure in humans. We so
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